Approximate maximum likelihood time-delay estimation for two closely spaced sources
Published in Signal Processing, 2023
When a signal is strongly distorted by a reflecting surface, the surface can be seen as a filter whose impulse response is convoluted with the incident signal. Depending on the application, it can be useful to estimate this impulse response in order to either compensate or interpret it. When it comes to estimation, a performance lower bound should be computed in order to better understand the performance limits of the observation model at hand. Hence, a first contribution of this work is to provide an easy-to-use closed-form Cramér–Rao bound for the proposed signal model. The validation process of this lower bound raises the problem of the size, generally unknown, of the impulse response to be estimated. A second contribution of this study is then to provide adapted theoretical and practical tools to determine the size of a given impulse response along with its estimation.
Recommended citation: Corentin Lubeigt, François Vincent, Lorenzo Ortega, Jordi Vilà-Valls, Eric Chaumette, "Approximate maximum likelihood time-delay estimation for two closely spaced sources," Signal Processing, Vol. 210, 109056, 2023.